Distance Healing: FAQs

distance healing Reiki Gold Light


What is distance healing?

For some it can be challenging to find the time during the day to make an appointment and go for a healing session.  Sometimes there is no practitioner locally to you.  This is where distance healing is a blessing.  Distance healing is exactly what it says — the healer sends you a healing from his/her treatment table to you without you having to leave the comfort of your own home.

Distance Healing is best thought of as Energy and Light Work, meaning that I am connecting with your Energetic and Light Self also known as your True Self.  I believe that all aspects of ourselves (our physical body, our mental body, our spiritual body, our energetic body and more) are interconnected.   When I offer healing to your True Self all of you is receiving this healing.  It is integrating into your body mind spirit fully!  And all in the comfort of your home, a hopefully safe and sacred space.


How does distance healing work?

Bigger Bear, Bear MedicineEach practitioner has his or her own way of doing distance healing work.  I use what is called a Proxy or “fill in”: meaning that I place my Proxy on the table as a representative of you.  I connect the Proxy to your energetic field and offer the Proxy the healing treatment as if you were on the table.  The Proxy bridges that healing to you wherever you are.

For me, the choice of Proxy is very important.  I believe that the Proxy must be able to hold and transfer great Power and Transformation.  As a shamanic practitioner I am choosing to use a power object named Bigger Bear.  Bigger Bear and I have been connected since I was three!  He has a powerful compassionate Presence, holding and emanating all aspects of Bear Medicine.

In the healing I overlay your higher self on Bigger Bear asking Bear Medicine to bridge from my table to you.  The bridges of healing that Bigger Bear creates are strong brilliant dynamic rainbow Light bridges.  I feel their strength and intensity on my side.  You experience the bridge as a gently, loving, embrace.  Bear Medicine indeed!

Once the bridge is connected, I offer the treatment.  At the close of the treatment, I close the bridge from Bigger Bear to you.

What happens in treatment?

distance healing energy work reiki crystalsWhen I give a treatment I follow this format:

I begin by creating Sacred Space:   honoring the Elements and Directions; and calling in Spirit, Angels, Teachers, Ascended Masters, Ancestors and all our Helping Spirits.  I offer gratitude to Bigger Bear, Bear Medicine and the Crystals for the healing they are about to offer you.

Once sacred space is opened, I call your True Self to be present overlaying you on Bigger Bear.  I open up the healing asking that this healing be sent to you “in all time and space, in all dimension for your highest and greatest good with no harm being done.”

If you have chosen a Crystal Healing, I activate the Crystals beneath the Table and lay them upon Bigger Bear and the healing begins.  If you have chosen a Reiki healing, I invite the Reiki energy to flow through me.  As a hollow bone, I follow the flow of Reiki to offer you a powerful healing.

I listen to all the Energy in the room:  the Crystals, Reiki Light, your Higher Self, all the Helping Spirits and follow their guidance.  When guided, I offer hands on energy work, flower essences, shamanic healings, drumming, rattling and more.  The creativity of Spirit and the Crystals is unmatchable!

I close each session by honoring the healing you are receiving.  I express Gratitude, Love, Gratitude to the Crystals and Reiki Light, to Bigger Bear and bear medicine, to all the Helping Spirits present and for your life and healing journey.  Then I close the session, usually with a flower essences spray.


What will I experience during a treatment?

Each person experiences something different during treatments.  You might experience any of the following:

  • Quieting of your mind; harmony; peacefulness
  • Tingling sensations in your body
  • Warming or cooling in your body
  • Hollowing out, clearing, cleansing
  • Visions, images, a shamanic journey
  • Hearing of words and phrases
  • Receiving what I call a download of information or energy
  • Order in the midst of chaos
  • Fall into a deep trance state
  • You might experience the sensation of hands on your body offer you healing
  • Fall asleep

In the next few days after the healing you may notice:

  • Syncronicities increasing
  • A deepening and integration of your Intention for the healing, an internal shift you have been working on and more.
  • More energy and focus upon something you are working on manifesting
  • More clarity around that particular issue you are discerning


Is distance healing as powerful as in-person healing?

Indeed it is. Through client feedback,I have learned that healings received by those at a distance are as powerful as those laying on my table.

Here is one example: “My daughter’s healing from it is, in my opinion, nothing short of a miracle! She has a very difficult health crisis that took weeks to even diagnose. In the middle of all the testing and uncertainty Jocelyn put her “on the table”. A week later the specialist was amazed to see that her body seems to be “healing itself” even though no medications were given. They want to wait another 2 weeks to see if it’s really happening. That’s the power of prayer and this healing crystal table.” – TS

For personal testimonies check out what people are saying about me.


How does Crystal Healing work?

Crystal HealingHow does this work?  Here is my semi-scientific explanation of crystal healing.  Crystals are living beings made up of specific structural and geometric shapes and patterns.  These shapes and patterns, called Sacred Geometry, exist in all creation from grass to humans.  Crystals hold Sacred Geometry in perfect form, or what we call high vibration.  The perfect pattern of the Crystal interacts with the same geometric shape in our body mind spirit, reminding us of what the shape is at its highest vibration.  Our energetic system remembers what it is supposed to look like and aligns itself with the Crystal’s pattern, healing our body mind spirit.