Stay Above it all

#LoveTrumpsHate #Election2016I was out walking Anouk, my dog, yesterday, and put out a heart prayer to the web of life asking for guidance in the days ahead.  As we walked I noticed that my gaze was constantly being brought up toward the heavens.  Birds were leaving low in trees or from the ground and flying upwards to higher spots.  Blue Jay was calling me to look up.  The beauty of the Moon was shining above me.  And, finally, as Anouk stopped to sniff, I noticed a leaf.  It was on the ground before me and a gentle breeze took hold of it.  Up, up, up it went.  Up to a high branch on a tree.  There it stayed, attached anew to the top of the tree.

I asked what this meant and received a phrase, “Stay above it all.”

As I have meditated on this invitation to “Stay above it all,” I am understanding it not an invitation to go to sleep for the next few years, or stick my head in the sand like an ostrich.  Rather as an invitation to Stay Awake, wide awake -stay up above all this dense murkiness that threatens to suck us down into despair where we lose sight of our own Light and Power.  It is an invitation to witness to the Light, to Love and Compassion.

I am brought back to Hope, Love, and Light.  Stay above it all.  Keep our vibrations high.  Keep our hearts in Love, Compassion and Justice.

Over the days, weeks, months and possibly years, any time you feel like you are descending into that dense murkiness below, call on the Light to surround you, to life you up, to remind you of your own Heart-Light and Power.

One way to do this is through Heart-to-Heart Reiki and Crystal Healing Table.  These two healing modalities offer beautiful experiences of being surrounded and held in Light and Love.  Give yourself the gift of staying above it and bask in the beauty of the Divine.

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