Creating Justice: Because that’s what heroes do…

The work of creating is the work of the present moment.  Not the future.  Not the past.  The present moment.

When we chose to create we do so the information we have in the present moment, with an Intention that our decision and action be for the greatest good for all involved, for the creation of Love, Justice, Compassion — the Realm of God.  When we feel/discern that we are aligned with this Intention, any risk we take will work out in the end.

Thor: Ragnarok

In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor goes in search of answers, allowing himself to be captured in order to obtain those answers.  Some hilarity happens on the big screen as Thor has conversation with the fire being, seeking the answers he needs to make his decision.  Once he feels he has the answers, he makes his choice, stating “Because that’s what heroes do…”

He does not fully understand what has been set into motion.  Thor does not realize that he is lacking information that is important in the end.  Yet, his action now is important and necessary for him to make the right decision at the end of the film.

Creating Justice

As long as we move through our lives with our hearts and intentions set upon being Christ in this world, our actions will continually work toward the benefit of all, for the growth and establishment of the Realm of God (the field of Compassion).  It may not look the way we envisioned it, but it will work out way better than we can ever imagine!

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a rally in support of a father who is seeking asylum in this country.  His wife had already been deported.  He is now the only parent for his two children (US citizens).  If he is deported, his children would be parentless. #FamiliesBelongTogether

I received the invitation and automatically sent it out to my faith community.  I was not sure what would happen.  Would anyone join me?  The decision to go felt rushed, but solid, good, important.  I second guessed it.  I almost talked myself out of it.  But, each time I looked at my email someone was saying yes to going with me.  No turning back now…

With my car full, we headed off to this rally.  I had no idea what to expect, nor what would arise in me.  But, I knew I must be there.

We found ourselves joining many many other people of faith demanding justice.  I laughed as we were waiting for the rally to begin.  My congregants are hilarious and truly know how to enjoy life!  I watched proudly as they interacted and connected to other people of faith.  Many of us stood holding our signs high.  We listened to other’s stories, other’s struggles with what the government is doing.

The rally began and we witnessed the story of this man and his family.  We heard the cry for solidarity and accompaniment.  We followed him and his lawyer down the sidewalk to the entrance of the ICE center and waited while they went in.

Thankfully, the presence of so many people of faith standing witness outside of the ICE center awaiting his return from his hearing was powerful.  Everyone broke out into cheers, clapping and chanting as he walked out of the building, success in his hearing.

My heart was full of compassion, tears, grief.  I was unprepared for what arose in me as I witnessed this beautiful moment.  Here I am, a faith leader.  I have the responsibility to speak out against injustice, as Jesus did.  As I stood there I felt the invitation to step out of my silence — to step back fully into my power — to make those choices to put my body on the line for justice.  I do not know what that will look like.  I do know that I will no longer stand on the sidelines.  As a faith leader, I will actively witness; proactively call for an end to this brutal behavior toward immigrant families in the US.

Ragnarok begins with Thor in a cage reliving the few years since we last met him in the Avengers.  He mentions saving the Earth a few times.  Then heading out searching for those infinity stones…

Well, it is our turn, our time, to save this country, to save the Earth, to create the field of Compassion and Justice.  We can not rely on others to do the work for us.  We must step up.  Step into our power.  Be the heroes and heroines! Meet the challenges that are before us.  Create the change we want.  Demand an end to the injustices that we see/experience.

We must be Christ.  Here and Now.  In every moment.

Because that is what heroes do….

(198 Tactics for the Politics of Nonviolent Action by Professor Gene Sharp)

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