Personal Responsibility: The foundation for authentic creating

Personal Responsibility is one of the main pillars of creating.  If we truly want to create positively in this world — something that will benefit the greater good — then we can only do it from a place of personal responsibility.  If we are not holding ourselves accountable (personal responsibility) for our creations, then our creations can easily twist and turn, become corrupted, negative and over time harmful to the greater good.

Personal responsibility is a journey each of us has to take.

It is an invitation to confront our own demons and all those places where we put blame outside ourselves.  We must acknowledge our role in those challenging moments when we feel victimized, and become aware of our limiting and impeding beliefs that invite, allow, or place us in those situations.  That deep work and awareness will free us from victim-mindset, fully restoring us to a place of Power.

When I began contemplating this aspect of personal responsibility — that I am responsible in some way for everything I experience in my life: the good, the bad and the ugly — I pushed back.  NOPE!  There is no way I am responsible for my first partner abusing me.  That is on my first partner!  Nope, not blaming the victim here.  No way.

A spiritual mentor asked me:

Do I want my power back?

As I looked deeper, I realized that if I have no responsibility in that situation, then I gave all my power away.  If I want it back (my power), I need to understand why I would have done that.  If I do not want to repeat that cycle of abuse (victimization), I need to understand what belief system I was holding/creating that kept me in an abusive relationship, and acknowledge that I am responsible for creating that belief system.  This means I must take responsibility for my actions and inactions, and my beliefs.  Only by doing so, can I consciously change what was inhibiting/victimizing me — my own beliefs.

Please understand, this does not make my first partner’s actions okay.  NO!  My first partner must take personal responsibility for their action, their abuse, if they want to heal, change and grow.

I am only acknowledging my part, my beliefs, my wounded self and offering myself love, healing, forgiveness, and an opportunity to transform and grow.

So, with my spiritual mentor, I dove into this place of personal responsibility.  It was raw.  I was uncomfortable.  Many times, pain-filled.  Personal responsibility required deep vulnerability and honesty with my own-self and my Shadow.  It required that I value myself.  The work needed to be done from my heart, not my mind; from that place of feeling, not thinking.

And yet, as I did my inner work and owned my responsibility in this time in my life, I was able to free myself from that place of victim-mindset.  I was able to take back my Power.  I was able to release anger and hurt; forgiving myself as well as my first partner.  I found as I took responsibility for my action and inaction I found freedom and transformational healing.

Personal Responsibility is our Plumb-line

The more I work with personal responsibility, the more I realize that it is a plumb-line that keeps us on our path, aligned with Spirit, as we create.  By continuing to move from our hearts, our feelings, we will know/feel when we step off the path.  By feeling as we create, we will know/feel if what we are creating is helpful/empowering or harmful/disempowering.  We will be able to adjust our creations, our dreams, our work toward Compassion, toward the higher good.

I invite you to move from your heart
holding responsibility for your actions
(whether conscious or not)
so that Spirit’s Realm of Compassion will be experienced fully
here on Earth!


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