Spirit’s Invitation to Co-Create

This week I want to shift from personal responsibility to talking about the movement of Spirit.  When we create, we are not creating on our own.  We are co-creating with Spirit.  Many times it is Spirit who initiates an invitation to co-create with us.

The knock at our door

In the Christian tradition we use the word:  call to talk about this movement.  It is an invitation, a calling card handed to us, a knock at the door of our heart, a shout out that somehow catches our attention.  This is the first movement of Spirit — the “Hello, I’m here. We need to talk.”

Sometimes that comes from us.  Like when we are feeling frustrated in our lives and want to change/shift something.  Or maybe there is a dream that is arising within us and we desire manifesting it.  We call out saying, “Hey Spirit, we need to talk.”

Most of the time it is Spirit who invites.  So it is important that we learn to recognize Spirit’s communication to invite us into co-creation.  Many times, the invitation is gentle. 

Often times it is not.  Like when we are too busy to notice.  Our lives are full of stuff we have to do.  We are working hard at our jobs.  Our families are taking all of our attention.  We are focused elsewhere, running, doing, not stopping.  Well, in those times Spirit might slam the breaks on us so that we are forced to look around and notice the request for conversation. 

Thor:Ragnarok: an Example

In Thor:Ragnarok, Thor is standing on a city sidewalk talking to Loki when all of a sudden a portal opens below Loki’s feet.  Loki falls into the portal, leaving Thor alone with a business card at his feet.

Yep, that is not the way I like Spirit to get my attention.  It has happened enough times that I have learned to shift my way of being, to slow down, to pay attention to all the signs that Spirit places in my path.

Hearing the Invitation

When we slow down, we begin to notice that Spirit is constantly communicating with us, constantly inviting us into conversation.  The signs are present all around:

The synchronisities: everything seems to be flowing well.  As you walk your life path, it feels like when you see a bump, an obstacle, a hiccup, somehow it is cleared before you get there.  You seem to be walking along, flowing.  Spirit is co-creating with you well here.

Other times it feels like each turn you take runs you into a shut locked door.  Are you co-creating with Spirit?  or Are you creating on your own?

Maybe something keeps popping up in your life.  For me, Cooper Hawk kept showing up everywhere:  feathers dropped directly in front of me as I walked, hanging out in the tree outside my patio, swooping over my head at bizarre times, calling out to me.  The other morning I heard a bird call, went to my window, looked outside and answered “I’m listening.”  Copper Hawk took off from the tree carrying her freshly caught breakfast.  As she flew by, I felt, “let me nourish you this day.”  Ah, Spirit!  Yes you may nourish me today.See the source image

If we slow ourselves down, if we open our hearts, if we notice all that is in our lives, we will hear the call of Spirit, the invitation of Spirit, and know the presence of Spirit.  We will be invited into a deeper conversation where we can share our hopes and dreams and receive the guidance and help we need to co-create.

All we have to do is say, “Yes.”

(Spiritual direction teaches you how to do just this.  It is an experiential practice and discipline that teaches you how to notice the invitation, you to feel the knock at your heart’s door, as well as how to extend the invitation yourself.  Through this powerful time of slowing down, you learn to align your heart with Spirit’s and enter into powerfully transformative co-creation.  Contact me if you would like to learn more and experience this practice.)

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