Allowing our Co-Creations to Grow

When I lived in Taos last year, I lived in a place where magpies lived.  I arrived and found two pair of magpies who loved to hang out on the patio off my bedroom.  Over the nine months that I lived there, they taught me about what how to allow our co-creations with Spirit to grow.

One morning they decided to greet me loudly from the patio wall.  I awoke to their shouts and felt this request for breakfast.  Being me, I went and found some nuts and fed them.  Well, that did it.  They soon had me trained to feed them breakfast!

When I would go out for a walk, they would be hanging out in the trees.  They would call out to me like, “Hey human have a good walk.”  I would greet them back and head out for my walk.  As I returned they would greet me, “Hey human welcome back.”  I would return the greeting.

Our friendships grew.  One couple decided to nest outside my kitchen window.  We worked out what they needed to feel safe and secure.  I hung cloth to give them privacy from the activity of a kitchen.  The dining room patio became their room.  I would go out and check on them.  They were patient, watching me as I checked on their babies.  It was beautiful to watch them grow.

I found myself caring for the magpies on the road.

I provided nourishment for them.  Laughed with them as they played.  Chatted and hung out with them.  Encouraged their hilarity and zest for life.  Protected them as much as I could.  My place became a safe haven for magpie.

When I left, I had 26 magpie coming to breakfast every morning.  Word got around about this safe haven on Blueberry Hill.

Growing our Co-Creations

Here is what they taught me about co-creating with Spirit.  Our culture tells us we need to market, advertise, work hard to get the word out about our new business.  If we don’t we will fail.  I have felt at a loss for how to grow my business, Weaving Sacred Spaces.  I am not the type of person who can easily promote herself, get the word out, etc.  The whole marketing thing is way overwhelming and scary.  It depletes my energy.  I will sometime just shut-down.

Magpie showed me a different path to growing co-creations with Spirit. If I nurture what is already there it will organically grow.  All I did to end up with 26 magpie nine months after I moved in, was to provide a safe, healing, nurturing space.  This space was extremely attractive to those hilarious magpie.  As more continued to show up, I found that I welcomed them fully.  It was not hard to widen my welcoming tent to include all 26 of them.

This goes again the flow of what is pumped into our minds about how to grow what we want to manifest in the world.  But when we co-create, we are not the only ones working at manifesting this creation in the world.  There is something extremely powerful and organic in how Spirit, how the Sacred Energy in the Universe, matches your vibration, attracting exactly what you are looking for.  All you have to do is nurture it once it begins to show up.

What pastoring taught me about growth

I know this to be true.  As a pastor of a small congregation, I watch how hospitality organically grows a congregation.  Good, solid, authentic hospitality that creates a safe sacred nurturing place for people to come to explore their spirituality is enticing.  Once experienced, the word spreads and more people show up.  It is organic!

All it takes on your part is Trust and the willingness to continue to match the vibration of your co-creation with Spirit.  Then step out of the way and allow for your compassion, your care, your safe space to attract people and grow.

And as you do this, remember to have fun, laugh, play, enjoy the process.  The magpies would want that.

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