Lessening our Footprint

One of the things that continually comes to mind when I contemplate stewardship of God’s Creation is “the size of my footprint.”  How much does my way of living impact the Earth?  What is my responsibility to lessen that impact for my descendants? Avenger’s Age of Ultron: After defeating Ultron, the Avengers come together at […]

Magpie Medicine

While I lived in Taos, NM, I was befriended by a flock of magpie.  I wrote about this experience earlier this week.  Today, I thought I would share their medicine with you. They invited me to co-create an animal essence with them while there.  It was a beautiful experience.  The co-creation process began in the […]

Risk: An invitation for growth

Our spiritual journey invites us to take risks.  We can not always play it safe.  There is no growth without risk, without adventure.  So when the time comes, Spirit will invite us to take a risk.  Sometimes that risk feels huge… Spider-man:  Homecoming Spider-man is at the top of the Washington Monument, attempting to break […]

Allowing our Co-Creations to Grow

When I lived in Taos last year, I lived in a place where magpies lived.  I arrived and found two pair of magpies who loved to hang out on the patio off my bedroom.  Over the nine months that I lived there, they taught me about what how to allow our co-creations with Spirit to […]