Standing with Mother Earth: Using our Voice

When we think about stewardship of the Earth, about what it means to be care-takers and gardeners, we often times ignore importance of our voice in this work.  Gardening is physical.  It uses our bodies. Today, our voice is extremely important in our work as care-takers and guardians of the Earth and its Waters. Avengers […]

Magpie Medicine

While I lived in Taos, NM, I was befriended by a flock of magpie.  I wrote about this experience earlier this week.  Today, I thought I would share their medicine with you. They invited me to co-create an animal essence with them while there.  It was a beautiful experience.  The co-creation process began in the […]

Creating Sacred Space

Here’s the thing about the spiritual journey, we may fee like we are in danger, fighting injustices and bad guys.  We may in fact injure ourselves.  But we are always in the safest place ever:  the Heart of the Sacred.  Spirit always co-creates sacred space for us to be in Her presence. Spider-man: Homecoming Spider-man […]

Embodying our Spiritual Gifts for the first time…

When we connect in with our spiritual gifts and abilities it can be overwhelming at first.  We have no idea what to do with them.  Sometimes, we feel at a loss as to how to best use them in the service of Spirit.  Occasionally, we may not even realize we have them until something happens […]

Living through our heart: Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is a conversation with Spirit and all that is Sacred, and our heart.  It is a lifelong journey where at moments we are very much connected, and at other moments we feel extremely disconnected.  How connected we feel directly relates to how connected into our hearts we are. The spiritual journey is […]