Stewardship of our Resources: Potential

        One of the resources that we rarely talk about as a resource is our potential.  How is potential even a resource?  Well, for me, it is a powerful resource.  It is an energy, an experience, that feed our hope, igniting our passions, stirring us to become more than we currently are. […]

Stewardship of our Resources

When we talk about stewardship of our resources, we mostly think about our finances, our dollars. Stewardship drives in congregations are usually all about money. How much are you able to pledge? Can you increase your pledge this year? However, our resources are so much more. I attended a Southwest Conference Boundaries Training a week […]

Standing with Mother Earth: Using our Voice

When we think about stewardship of the Earth, about what it means to be care-takers and gardeners, we often times ignore importance of our voice in this work.  Gardening is physical.  It uses our bodies. Today, our voice is extremely important in our work as care-takers and guardians of the Earth and its Waters. Avengers […]

Using our Gifts Responsibly: Good Stewardship

Because the Sacred has gifted us all that we have in our life, we must use our gifts, abilities, and skills responsibly in this world.  It is our responsibility, as stewards, to create positive change that brings the experience of compassion, peace and justice. Avengers:  Civil War Tony Stark is seeking additional help for his […]

Courage in our Spiritual Journey

We all have fears.  Some feel real, like for example, fear of spiders.  Others we attach to life situations, creating the possibility of worse-case scenario, like fear of loss of job.  What we learn as we go through life is that the spiritual journey, our life journey, requires courage.  Spirit teaches us to face and […]