Stewardship of our Resources: Potential

        One of the resources that we rarely talk about as a resource is our potential.  How is potential even a resource?  Well, for me, it is a powerful resource.  It is an energy, an experience, that feed our hope, igniting our passions, stirring us to become more than we currently are. […]

Stewardship of our Resources

When we talk about stewardship of our resources, we mostly think about our finances, our dollars. Stewardship drives in congregations are usually all about money. How much are you able to pledge? Can you increase your pledge this year? However, our resources are so much more. I attended a Southwest Conference Boundaries Training a week […]

Listen to Creation: Conversation of Stewardship

We, as western-thought humans, have not been taught to listen to the Land.  This causes problems when it comes to understanding how best to be stewards of Mother Earth, her waters, and all beings who live upon her.  This is one of the reasons we struggle with what it means to have dominion over creation. […]

The Matrix: What does dominion mean?

Yesterday I began our discussion about the stewardship of creation.  I referenced that the word “dominion” creates all sorts of issues for us in terms of our care for Mother Earth.  Today I want to talk more deeply about how ‘dominion’ causes issues and corrupts our understanding of care-takers, custodians, gardeners — stewards of the […]

Stewardship of our Inner World

Much of our stewardship talk is about how we use our resources in the outer world.  How generous are you with your finances?  Where do you offer your time, talent, skills to help others?  How do you call others mercifully and compassionately to accountability for their actions, their lack of stewardship?   These are all outer-world […]