Stewardship of our Inner World

Much of our stewardship talk is about how we use our resources in the outer world.  How generous are you with your finances?  Where do you offer your time, talent, skills to help others?  How do you call others mercifully and compassionately to accountability for their actions, their lack of stewardship?   These are all outer-world […]

Accountability strengthens Stewardship

I have talked a great deal from time to time in this blog about accountability.  Stewardship requires us to be accountable for our actions and to hold others accountable for theirs as well.  It is through accountability with each other, that we learn to become more and more responsible, become better stewards of what the […]

Stewardship: Being Custodians

Stewardship means experiencing everything as gifted to us by the Sacred.  Everything!  This includes our skills, abilities, talents, spiritual gifts, qualities, financial resources, Land, food, shelter, community, family, friends, blessings, abundance, hopes and desires, goals and accomplishments.  All of it has been gifted and supported by the presence and work of the Sacred.  Stewardship invites […]