Stewardship: Being Custodians

Stewardship means experiencing everything as gifted to us by the Sacred.  Everything!  This includes our skills, abilities, talents, spiritual gifts, qualities, financial resources, Land, food, shelter, community, family, friends, blessings, abundance, hopes and desires, goals and accomplishments.  All of it has been gifted and supported by the presence and work of the Sacred.  Stewardship invites […]

Stewardship as a lifestyle

Stewardship is a word we throw around every Fall in churches.  We talk about stewardship at the time of the year when we are creating our church budgets and asking people to pledge their giving for the next year.  We have narrowed stewardship down to dollars.  Because of that, often times we do not want […]

Grace: The gift of Unconditional Love

As I wrote yesterday, God’s grace flows freely to us.  God loves us unconditionally.   Even in the midst of holding us accountable, even in the midst of the wrathful-oriented God, the God of tough love, grace and mercy and unconditional Love are always present.  In Spider-man: Homecoming, it is Aunt May who offers it… […]

Risk: An invitation for growth

Our spiritual journey invites us to take risks.  We can not always play it safe.  There is no growth without risk, without adventure.  So when the time comes, Spirit will invite us to take a risk.  Sometimes that risk feels huge… Spider-man:  Homecoming Spider-man is at the top of the Washington Monument, attempting to break […]

Courage in our Spiritual Journey

We all have fears.  Some feel real, like for example, fear of spiders.  Others we attach to life situations, creating the possibility of worse-case scenario, like fear of loss of job.  What we learn as we go through life is that the spiritual journey, our life journey, requires courage.  Spirit teaches us to face and […]