Creating Sacred Space

Here’s the thing about the spiritual journey, we may fee like we are in danger, fighting injustices and bad guys.  We may in fact injure ourselves.  But we are always in the safest place ever:  the Heart of the Sacred.  Spirit always co-creates sacred space for us to be in Her presence.

Spider-man: Homecoming

Spider-man has knocked himself unconscious when he was attempting to fight the bad guys and keep them from stealing more dangerous weapons.  He awakens in the back of an 18 wheeler. 

Standing up he asks Suit Lady: Where am I right now?

Suit Lady: I am not sure.  The container walls are hindering my sensors.

Spider-man decides he must be in the bad guys evil lear and he will have to fight his way out.  He prepares himself and then charges and breaks down the door, stumbles out of the container, and finds himself in an empty wide-open space full of storage containers like the one he was just locked in.

Looking around he asks: What is this place?  Suit Lady where am I?

Suit Lady:   You are in the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard, the Damage Control Deep Storage Vault.

The Spiritual Journey

For us to truly connect with Spirit, we need to feel like we are in a safe space.  If we do not experience ourselves safe, then we will not allow ourselves to be vulnerable in the presence of the Sacred, and we will miss the opportunity to experience the unconditional Love that heals us and guides us to wholeness.

It is important to create a safe space before we sit down for prayer, meditation, shamanic journey, spiritual connection.  What that looks like will be unique to each of us.

For me, personally:

I have created a crystal sacred meditation healing space in my house.  As a crystal healer, I have collected more crystals than I want to I know what to do with.  One day, I was moving them around and found myself creating a circle around a sheep skin on the floor.  As the circle was finished, I experienced this energetic field click into place.

Curious about that, I crawled onto the carpet and settled in to meditate.  Wow!  I felt supported, surrounded by this safe sacred space that the crystals created — above me, below me, on all side.  I was encompassed in a beautiful cocoon of Love.

Each time I move, the crystals direct me where they want to be.  I allow them to create the space that I use for meditation and healing.    

As a Pastor:

I spend a good hour plus on Sunday mornings creating safe space before worship at the church I serve.  How I do this varies from time to time.  I drum or rattle to wake up the space and call in Spirit.  Sometimes I use a meditation bowl to move peace throughout the worship space.  Essential oil and flower essence sprays have been used to create an emotional space of Love, Compassion and Harmony.  I follow the flow of Spirit as I prepare the worship space each Sunday in accordance to the theme of the day.

Whoever walks into the worship space is welcome and safe.  I hold the Energetic Field of Spiritual Safety and Compassion throughout the worship service, especially during prayer.  From time to time, something happens which I tenderly address. 

For me, my main job as pastor on Sunday mornings is to create the safe space for those who come to experience the unconditional Love of God.

As a spiritual director:

I invite my directee into a time of silent meditation.  Within that time, we connect above to Spirit and below to Mother Earth, allowing the sacred energy and love from both to flow through and around us, creating a sacred container for our conversation.  After that, it is my job to hold that container as my directee releases his/her walls and barriers and stands vulnerable in the presence of Spirit.  This is a deeply humbling and honoring process and moment.  I am as transformed by it as my directee is.

Spirit creates sacred space:

Allow the Sacred to create the space around you.  From time to time that is how it is for me.  I am out walking and all of a sudden, in the midst of a busy street, I am face to face with the Sacred.  Everything else has dropped away.  I feel 100% safe as I walk side by side with Spirit.  Those moments, when Spirit comes and establishes the space, those are the deeply transformational life-changing moments that have shifted huge aspects of my life:

One sent me on a journey to come live in New Mexico.
Another the dream of my business was born.
Another Spirit shared Her name.

Each time we come into the presence of the Sacred, we co-create with Spirit a safe space to commune and be in.  We learn to do that through breathe, through meditation, through envisioning, through physical creating in a room. 

Experiment with it.  Usually a bit of all of the above comes into play as you co-create the safe sacred space/container for your time with Spirit.  Play with it.  Enjoy the exploration of how you come into contact with the Sacred.

So play.  Explore.  Allow yourself to fall into safe sacred space and be cracked open by Spirit.

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