On this July 4th, I want to reclaim patriotism. Patriotism has lost its meaning — the meaning that went with what it meant to be a Patriot in 1776. It is time that we re-claim that meaning, that experience, that understanding, that connotation. We must embody the true meaning of patriotism once again in […]
Resistance: It’s role in creating…
Let’s get real for a moment and talk about resistance! For me resistance is a sign that I am standing on the edge of growth. It is like my ego, my critic, my shadow all want to keep me safe, contained, small, so they resist. It is like a wall around my heart to prevent me […]
Trust in Your Creating Power #ThorRagnarok
Thanks to my nephew, I have been back in the Marvel universe again. He suggested that I watch Thor: Ragnarok, assuring me I would really enjoy it. So, I decided to be the good aunt and trust in his advice. He was right. I laughed so hard. It is one of those movies you can watch over and over […]
Creating Justice: Because that’s what heroes do…
The work of creating is the work of the present moment. Not the future. Not the past. The present moment. When we chose to create we do so the information we have in the present moment, with an Intention that our decision and action be for the greatest good for all involved, for the creation of Love, Justice, […]
Attention is key when we create
In my last blog I spoke about how we are all source (with a small ’s’) and invited us to really truly own that — to step fully into our power as co-creators and manifestors. I realize that can be a challenging thing. We live in a country right now where many of us feel powerless […]