What happens during Spiritual Direction?

Because Spiritual Direction can be unfamiliar to many of us, I thought you might wonder what actually happens during a session?  Should you come prepared with something to talk about?  How exactly do we listen for Spirit’s invitation and guidance?

When we gather we set sacred space — a space of trust, safety, and honesty where you may wrestle with questions, rejoice in growth, explore the experience of the Sacred, and be open about your fears and doubts.   We light a candle, invite Spirit’s presence, and enter into silence.  If we are doing direction over Skype or FaceTime, we would each light a candle so that Spirit’s Light shines in both of our spaces.

In the silence you open your heart to Spirit.  If you brought an intention, you would share it with the Sacred at this time.  However, you do not need to have an agenda.  I actually encourage you not to!  My invitation is to use the beginning silence to notice and become aware of what is happening in you.  What arises in your thoughts? What emotions are present?  Is anything happening in your body? That is where we start.

From there, I listen for Spirit’s movement and guide you to stay in Spirit’s energy as we explore what came up for you.  For each person and each hour the process is different.  I use many different tools to help you engage Spirit in conversation and healing, including  dialogue, many forms of prayer, guided awareness, visualization, meditations, and more.

During our time we know that Spirit is present, holding the space for you.  We will know that Spirit is inviting you deeper into connection, deeper into your heart, and deeper into healing and growing.

How do we finish the hour?  There is usually a moment where something feels released.  Maybe there is an answer to prayer or maybe there is a sense of peace or closure.  Whatever that is, we will notice it together and end there, aware that Spirit will continue to deepen in the days and weeks ahead.

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