What is Spiritual Direction?

For many of us the words “spiritual direction” sound inviting and enticing, but we do not know what that really means.  What does it mean to enter into spiritual direction? Is it like therapy?  Or is it like prayer and meditation?

Well, simply put: it is not therapy.  It is more than prayer and meditation.  Spiritual direction is about Intentionally taking time out of our busy lives to slow down and pay attention to what Spirit is inviting us to notice in our lives.

Think of it this way: we all know and experience our physical bodies.  We feed our physical bodies healthy foods.  We exercise them to keep ourselves fit.  We trust what our physical senses tell us about the world around us.  When our bodies get sick, we seek medical attention to heal them.

We also have spiritual bodies, which include our soul, spirit and all the subtle energy that surrounds our being.    Our spiritual body is able to offer us a unique perspective on this world.  Our spiritual senses pick up on things that our physical senses will never know.  Our spiritual body needs to be fed and cared for as well. And yet, when our hearts and souls hurt many of us do not know what to do.   We do not know how to heal, where to seek healing, or who to ask for help.

This is where Spiritual Direction comes in and where having a Spiritual Director is important.

I believe that our soul knows how to heal itself.  Our soul knows our deepest desires and passions.  Our soul knows the blueprint with which we came into this world.  Our soul wants so much to guide us to live a full and rewarding life!  Our task is to listen deeply and to trust our soul’s knowledge and guidance.

Spiritual Direction offers a resting place on your journey in life.  Working with a spiritual director offers you a way to listen to your soul and can provide a genuine path through which you can open your heart and soul to experience the Sacred.  Accessing the sacred within you always moves you toward reconciliation, healing, wisdom, courage and love.

Spiritual Direction offers a way to listen:

  • When you are seeking an initial connection or yearning to strengthen your connection to Spirit.
  • When you are at a loss and feel alone wondering where the Sacred is.
  • When you are making a life decision and seeking Spirit’s guidance.
  • When issues and feelings have arisen that need exploration and clearing/releasing.
  • When you are reflecting upon and deepening a powerfully transformative experience.

A spiritual director is your guide into the realm of the soul.  I will lovingly and compassionately guide you into conversation with your innermost being.  There in the place of your heart, in connection to Spirit, together we will seek to help you on your life’s path.

My practice is open to all people — whether you declare a particular faith tradition or none at all.  My passion is focused on companioning people into direct conversation with their heart and soul and the Sacred so that each person can experience healing and move toward wholeness in life.

I invite you to intentionally choose to give an hour of your time regularly to this discipline.  It will change your life!

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