Surrender Your Sacred Cow: Co-Creating with Spirit

When Spirit agrees to co-create with us it can feel very disorienting, evening knocking you off balance.  It requires a willingness to do our work, to release limiting beliefs and surrender our sacred cows.

Thor:  Ragnarok

As we continue reflecting upon the interaction between Thor and Dr Strange, we shift from them sitting, talking and Dr Strange agreeing to help, to a string of scenes where Dr Strange continually shifts the environment making it difficult for Thor to keep his balance.

Dr Strange has agreed to help Thor locate his father, Odin, who has been exiled to Earth by Loki, Thor’s adoptive brother.  As Dr Strange prepares the portal that he will send Thor through to retrieve Odin, he moves himself and Thor through a variety of movements. 

They begin by going from sitting and chatting to standing by a bookshelf while Dr Strange checks on information he needs, then to the other side of that room.  Thor is completely off-balance, stumbling with as Dr Strange shifts the energies.  From the other side of the room, Dr Strange observes Thor and says, “Oh, we don’t need that.” forcing an energetic shift again.

Thor responds:  “Will you stop doing that!”

Then Dr Strange realizes that to create the portal he needs a hair from Thor.  Thor is unwilling to give him his hair.  Dr Strange shifts around and steals a hair from Thor’s head.

Then we moves them to the bottom of a stairwell and begins to create the portal for Thor.  Thor tumbles down a few steps, stands and responds, “We could have walked.”

Co-Creating with Spirit

It is a hilarious scene.  Yet, it is a beautiful metaphor for how co-creating with Spirit can sometimes feel.

Spirit’s job in co-creating is to bring you to, prepare you for, and create the portal — that moment your co-creation is ready to be manifested.  Spirit takes you there and then it is your choice to walk through it.  (More on that tomorrow.)

The journey to the portal is one that shakes things up, causes dis-equilibrium, creates discomfort, often times requires something from us, and in the end feels so quick that we feel like we are running to keep up!

Making adjustments

In the first part of the scene Dr strange is checking to see if he needs to make adjustments for Thor’s Asgardian physique.  When we first begin to co-create with Spirit, we find that we need to make adjustments in our lives.  These ‘adjustments’ include doing inner healing work, shifting priorities, opening our hearts and space for Spirit’s work, adjusting our attitudes and expectations and more.  What you adjust depends upon what you you are co-creating.  No matter what, there is an adjustment you will need to make.  Open yourself and be willing to do it.

Releasing your Sacred Cows

The Dr Strange says to Thor, “Oh, we don’t need that.”  There are things that get in the way of co-creating with Spirit — that create obstacles and blocks, such as limiting beliefs, unrealistic expectations, fixed perceptions, and our need to be in control to name a few.  These must be dropped, released and healed inorder to move forward in co-creating.

Dr Strange then needs a hair from Thor.  Thor is unwilling to give it.  Thor holds his hair sacred.

You may bump up against a sacred cow in your life.  You may be aware of what that could be, or you may need Spirit to bring awareness to it.  Whatever your sacred cow is, are you willing to sacrifice it for this co-creation?  Because Spirit will ask that of you.  To move forward, you will need to hand that sacred cow over.


Unlike Dr Strange, Spirit will not steal it from you — rip it metaphorically out of your head.  She will wait patiently for you to chose to hand it over, with intention and surrender.  Do you trust Spirit enough to surrender your sacred cow, that thing you hold most important in your life?

One of the members of my congregation shared this reflection as we were discussing church growth and worship:  “I need to be willing to let go of the most important parts of worship for me, so as to make room for new people and their needs.”

We need to let go of our sacred cows so as to make room for something new and unknown — the co-creation that we are seeking to manifest.  The act of surrender opens us to experiencing the unknown with curiosity, with an adventurous state-of-being, with a deep trust that Spirit’s co-creation will be more amazing that we can conceive.

Preparing to launch your co-creation

As Spirit is preparing the portal that will manifest our co-creation, we do deep inner work.  We face our fears and release our sacred cows.  All this work is intense.  When we arrive at the portal we may definitely feel like we have tumbled down a flight of stairs!  We may feel like we have run a marathon.  “Really, we could have just walked” may fill our hearts.

Are you open to taking an dis-equalizing, shifting, sacrificial surrendering journey with Spirit?

It is not a comfortable one.  Yet it is a rewarding one.

Standing in front of the portal of our co-creation, feelings of awe-inspiring, excitement, adventurousness and more will arise in our hearts and souls propelling and enlivening us to manifest our hopes and dreams.

And because you are co-creating with Spirit you have been prepared to step through and let your Light fully shine!

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