We hear this common phrase all the time: “Home is where your heart is.” As I begin this journey to NM, I am reminded how true this phrase is. I am experiencing an invitation to find home within myself at deeper and deeper layers. I left my physical apartment (home) and soon will be leaving my ancestral […]
Category Archives: Blog
All blog posts written by Rev. Jocelyn Emerson for Weaving Sacred Spaces, spirituality and healing
Weaving my Tapestry of Wholeness
Because I am in transition, I no longer have my loom to weave on. Weaving is an important healing and spiritual art for me and I do not want to give it up as I travel. So, I found a tiny hand held loom to hand weave with and began to play with this new […]
Taking a leap of Faith! #NMhereIcome
This past week I made the leap of faith that I have been working toward for the past three years! Three years ago I stepped foot on the Land in New Mexico and fell in love like I have never loved before. For the first time in my life I understood what people meant when they talked […]
Receive the Gift of Angelic Light Healing
From time to time, I experience this intense need to go somewhere that I do not understand. I have learned to trust this heart-centered request. This request led me a week ago to meeting a new Crystal friend, a beautiful blue kyanite in quartz. As soon as I saw her, I knew why I had […]
Letting Go
I have been out walking amongst the fallen leaves, reminded that Fall is the time of letting go of whatever no longer serves us. Sometimes it is small things and we may not be aware of them as they fall away. Sometimes it is a huge thing and, wow! we know when it falls away. […]