I was out walking Anouk, my dog, yesterday, and put out a heart prayer to the web of life asking for guidance in the days ahead. As we walked I noticed that my gaze was constantly being brought up toward the heavens. Birds were leaving low in trees or from the ground and flying upwards to higher […]
Category Archives: Blog
All blog posts written by Rev. Jocelyn Emerson for Weaving Sacred Spaces, spirituality and healing
Quality Time
My dog Anouk has changed the way she walks. We used to hike for hours, exercising all the way. Recently she has gone on strike part way through our walks — coming to a full stop, sitting or laying down, not moving until I turn around and head home. I have become aware that she […]
On the Journey!
I am so excited to be part of this fabulous publication! I have been honored to have some of my blogs, poetry, artwork and photography included in this beautiful book. On the Journey offers spiritual reflections through prose, poetry, artwork, photography and song to aide you in deepening your connection to Spirit and the Web […]
Reiki’s Story and My Connection to Reiki
There are many stories of how Reiki came into alignment with humanity. I feel connected to this version of the story: Reiki is an ancient form of healing that had been lost for many years. Doctor Mikao Usui, a deeply spiritual person, set out on a journey to learn all he could about healing. He […]
What happens during Spiritual Direction?
Because Spiritual Direction can be unfamiliar to many of us, I thought you might wonder what actually happens during a session? Should you come prepared with something to talk about? How exactly do we listen for Spirit’s invitation and guidance? When we gather we set sacred space — a space of trust, safety, and honesty […]