Listening to the Voice of Spirit: Suit Lady

A key aspect of our spiritual journey is learning how to listen for the Voice of God, the movement of Spirit.  Again, most of us are not taught how to do this as we grow up.  As adults, many of us feel inadequate when it comes to connecting in, feeling the movement of the Sacred and listening to the Voice of Spirit. 

The first time we hear that voice, experience that movement, it can feel very much like the first time Peter Parker heard the voice of suit-lady…

Spider-man:  Homecoming

Peter has fought with the bad guys again.  This time, as he walked away, he found parts of one of their weapons.  He pocketed it and worked on taking apart the weapon during shop class in school the next day. 

The bad guys come looking for the weapon after the class is over.  Peter sneaks in and hides.  As they walk away he places a tracker on them.  The tracker takes the bad guys to Maryland.

Peter decides that the way to get to their evil lear is to rejoin the Academic Decathalon team that is going to DC.  He gets to DC with his friend Ned and decides he wants to remove the tracker from his suit so that Tony Stark does not know where he is.  While removing the tracker, Ned finds other sub-systems that have been disabled by what is called the “Training Wheels Protocol.”  Peter talks Ned into turning off the Training Wheels Protocol and giving him full access to his suit.

He then heads out to track the bad guys.  Upon putting on his mask…

A voice says, “Good evening Peter.”

Peter is looking all around for the voice and says, “Hello?”

As a computer screen comes up in his mask, the voice says “Congratulations on completely the rigorous training wheels protocol and gaining access to your suits full capabilities.”

Peter, “Uh.  Thank you.”

Voice from the suit, “So where would you like to take me tonight?”

Peter, “Uh, I put a tracker on someone.  He’s a bad guy.”

Voice from the suit, “Tracker located.  Plotting course to intercept target.”

Spiritual Journey:

Not everyone has the gift of literally hearing Spirit’s voice, as Peter Parker does with suit-lady.  This spiritual gift is called clairaudient, having the ability to hear across the spiritual veil.  If this is one of your gifts, you know exactly how Peter Parker was feeling in the above scene.

Even without the spiritual gift of clairaudient, you can hear and experience the movement and voice of Spirit.  It comes through in so many ways.  All you need to do is pay attention. 

Here are a few ways Spirit communicates:
  • The natural world is always offering us the opportunity to listen to Spirit.
  • Meditation gives you the opportunity to allow your mind to empty and invite Spirit’s presence to take over, offering visuals, prayers, thoughts, prophesies.
  • Synchronicities are powerful ways in which Spirit communicates where the flow is in your life.
  • For those of you who love music, a song may pop into your heart

However Spirit decides to communicate with you, that first time you connect in can feel very weird.  Who is talking?  Where is this song coming from?  What does this dream mean?  Why do I keep seeing snakes everywhere?  What are you trying to say Spirit?

My example:  Lyme Disease

This first disorienting experience opens us to a new way of listening.  It is like any new skill, we have to practice it.  The more we exercise this new ‘muscle’ the more confident we become in using it, listening to Spirit, surrendering, allowing Spirit to guide us.

Five years ago, I was exhausted, barely able to get out of bed for more than three hours.  My body ached.  I could not even walk two blocks without wanting to go back to bed.  Three weeks earlier I had hiked for a week in the White Mountains in NH.  My dad and I hiked at least three 4,000 ft plus mountains.  I expected a little bit of exhaustion when I returned, but this was crazy.

My prayer

Before I went to sleep, I would send a prayer to Spirit asking what was happening to my body.  One morning I was jolted awake with, “You have Lyme Disease!  Go see a doctor.”  I laid there stunned, like really?  But I have learned over the years to listen when Spirit speaks. 

The healing journey

I went to the doctor and got a limn disease test.  They told me it was negative.  I asked to see it, because Spirit is never wrong.  The test showed strands of lyme in each ‘test’ but apparently not enough strands to be positive.

I was confused, so I called a natural-pathic healer I know.  She gave me the name of a healer who works specifically with Lyme disease.  I went.  She tested me and I scored off the charts — 10 out of 10.  She said, “If this test went higher you would be the highest number.”  No wonder I felt horrible.  She started me on homeopathic medicine.  I started to feel better.  Then one day I bombed again, hit rock bottom, couldn’t move.

More prayer

Crying as I went to bed, I sent another prayer.  Again, Spirit woke me in the morning, “Go see a doctor and demand antibiotics.  It’s time.”  So I went, and the doctor did not believe me.  I decided to advocate for myself.  I sat in protest and would not leave the office until he gave me what I wanted.  When I left, I had the antibiotics I needed.   24 hours later I was bounding back.

It felt weird to me to tell the doctors that I had Lyme disease and I knew it because Spirit told me.  I did actually say that to the doctor at one point.  It was hilarious (after the fact).  The natural-pathic healer I saw believed me.  She got what I was saying.  She knew Spirit was speaking to me. 

Healing, Spirit’s guidance

It feels weird when you hear Spirit.  That was not my first time having Spirit speak so clearly.  It seems to feel weird each time.  However, when I listen, when I surrender my fears and anxieties about how others will see me, and follow Spirit’s guidance, I am always guided toward health, love, peace, joy, abundance, healing, wholeness.  Each time I follow Spirit’s word, I gain more confidence in my spiritual journey, my Trust deepens, and I rely more and more on Spirit’s presence as I walk my life path.

How are you listening to Spirit today?  How is Spirit speaking to you?

Carve out some time today and pay attention.

Spirit might have something to share that will change you life for the better.

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