Surrender Your Sacred Cow: Co-Creating with Spirit

When Spirit agrees to co-create with us it can feel very disorienting, evening knocking you off balance.  It requires a willingness to do our work, to release limiting beliefs and surrender our sacred cows. Thor:  Ragnarok As we continue reflecting upon the interaction between Thor and Dr Strange, we shift from them sitting, talking and […]

Odin: Masking Personal Responsibility #ThorRagnarok

Odin is the King of Asgard, the father of Thor, and the adopted father of Loki.  Throughout the Thor films, he teaches Thor how to take personal responsibility.  He challenges Thor to ‘think like a King.’  However, it is in Ragnarok that we learn Odin has been masking his own personal responsibility.  He has been […]

Prayer of Confession: Communal Responsibility

If you grew up in a liturgical church, you know the Prayer of Confession.  It is a prayer said near the beginning of worship, that invites the congregation to confess their sins, re-align themselves with Spirit’s heart, and thereby receive forgiveness and grace. I did not grow up in such a church tradition.  It was […]

Freedom: The gift of personal responsibility

How and why take personal responsibility when the situation we are in is out of our hands?  There are forces out there that are causing the challenge, the trauma, or the situation.  It is being done to and upon us.  Should not the responsibility lie outside ourselves on the entities, power and people who are […]

Taking back our Power: Facing our problems with courage

Thor has had a rough few days: First he battles Surtur for Surtur’s crown. He returns to Asgard to find that his brother, Loki, has disguised himself as Odin and is ruling the Nine Realms.  After forcing Loki to drop his disguise, they head to Earth to find Odin.  Odin dies after he reveals a […]