Living through our heart: Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is a conversation with Spirit and all that is Sacred, and our heart.  It is a lifelong journey where at moments we are very much connected, and at other moments we feel extremely disconnected.  How connected we feel directly relates to how connected into our hearts we are. The spiritual journey is […]

Praying the Image: Listening to Spirit through Image

When I am working on discernment, I will sometime use Oracle Cards and allow the image to speak to me.    I have many different decks depending upon what I am working on. Examples:  Ocean Oracle Cards, Ascended Master Oracle Cards, SoulCards, Angel Cards, etc. I have found that I am drawn to certain decks for […]

You are Spirit’s Co-Creating Tool

This is the moment.  You have accepted Spirit’s invitation and knocked on the door to enter deep into Spirit’s dwelling.  Spirit offered you deep hospitality and accepted the invitation to help you — to co-create.  As Spirit prepare the co-creation, you were invited deep into inner healing and growth work.  Once Spirit feels you are […]

Surrender Your Sacred Cow: Co-Creating with Spirit

When Spirit agrees to co-create with us it can feel very disorienting, evening knocking you off balance.  It requires a willingness to do our work, to release limiting beliefs and surrender our sacred cows. Thor:  Ragnarok As we continue reflecting upon the interaction between Thor and Dr Strange, we shift from them sitting, talking and […]

Spirit Nurtures Us as we Co-Create

Another movement of Spirit in the co-creating process is to be sure we are being nourished and cared for.  Spirit knows that we do the work in ordinary reality and that that work can be hard, challenging and exhausting.  So, Spirit is sure to offer to nurture us for the tasks ahead. #Thor:Ragnarok It’s like […]