While I lived in Taos, NM, I was befriended by a flock of magpie. I wrote about this experience earlier this week. Today, I thought I would share their medicine with you. They invited me to co-create an animal essence with them while there. It was a beautiful experience. The co-creation process began in the […]
Category Archives: High Desert Essences
Risk: An invitation for growth
Our spiritual journey invites us to take risks. We can not always play it safe. There is no growth without risk, without adventure. So when the time comes, Spirit will invite us to take a risk. Sometimes that risk feels huge… Spider-man: Homecoming Spider-man is at the top of the Washington Monument, attempting to break […]
Courage in our Spiritual Journey
We all have fears. Some feel real, like for example, fear of spiders. Others we attach to life situations, creating the possibility of worse-case scenario, like fear of loss of job. What we learn as we go through life is that the spiritual journey, our life journey, requires courage. Spirit teaches us to face and […]
You are Spirit’s Co-Creating Tool
This is the moment. You have accepted Spirit’s invitation and knocked on the door to enter deep into Spirit’s dwelling. Spirit offered you deep hospitality and accepted the invitation to help you — to co-create. As Spirit prepare the co-creation, you were invited deep into inner healing and growth work. Once Spirit feels you are […]
Spirit Nurtures Us as we Co-Create
Another movement of Spirit in the co-creating process is to be sure we are being nourished and cared for. Spirit knows that we do the work in ordinary reality and that that work can be hard, challenging and exhausting. So, Spirit is sure to offer to nurture us for the tasks ahead. #Thor:Ragnarok It’s like […]