Stewardship: Being Custodians

Stewardship means experiencing everything as gifted to us by the Sacred.  Everything!  This includes our skills, abilities, talents, spiritual gifts, qualities, financial resources, Land, food, shelter, community, family, friends, blessings, abundance, hopes and desires, goals and accomplishments.  All of it has been gifted and supported by the presence and work of the Sacred.  Stewardship invites […]

Spirit’s Holds us Accountable

As I wrote about in the personal accountability series with Thor, Loki and Odin, personal accountability and integrity are key elements in our spiritual journey.  If we do not hold ourselves accountable, Spirit will… Spider-man: Homecoming Spider-man saved the day in Washington, DC saving his friends.  He rose to new heights in his school.  Spider-man […]

Embodying our Spiritual Gifts for the first time…

When we connect in with our spiritual gifts and abilities it can be overwhelming at first.  We have no idea what to do with them.  Sometimes, we feel at a loss as to how to best use them in the service of Spirit.  Occasionally, we may not even realize we have them until something happens […]

Allowing our Co-Creations to Grow

When I lived in Taos last year, I lived in a place where magpies lived.  I arrived and found two pair of magpies who loved to hang out on the patio off my bedroom.  Over the nine months that I lived there, they taught me about what how to allow our co-creations with Spirit to […]

You are Spirit’s Co-Creating Tool

This is the moment.  You have accepted Spirit’s invitation and knocked on the door to enter deep into Spirit’s dwelling.  Spirit offered you deep hospitality and accepted the invitation to help you — to co-create.  As Spirit prepare the co-creation, you were invited deep into inner healing and growth work.  Once Spirit feels you are […]